By following this guide, you will:
Eliminate high glucose and insulin levels
Introduce multiple sources of fiber for gut health
Reduce hunger & inflammation
Lose weight, improve diabetes control & reduce risk of age related illnesses
In our journey so far we’ve talked about a lot of food and carb science but have only briefly touched on how to actually do it. Well, don’t worry because we're about to go on a journey through gastronomy to turn your knowledge into practical solutions.
the problem
As we discussed in our last article most of our diets are jam packed full of starchy, highly refined carbs which stress our bodies and are mostly converted straight into fat. On top of that, these carbs rapidly break down into glucose, meaning that baked potato or Mac & Cheese you just ate is going to make you feel like you just ate the same weight in sugar. That’s right, get ready for the inevitable, lethargic, hunger-inducing Sugar Crash.
All told, this “normal” diet we’re used to is killing us. Regular spikes in glucose and insulin combined with a dearth of fiber in our typical diets progressively increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia and other age-related disorders.
How to: the low carb, high fIber diet
Simple. Low carb, high fiber foods or LC-HiFi for short (everything needs a catchy nickname nowadays right?).
Essentially, we're going to do three things:
Avoid most carbs like the plague
Replace these carbs with fiber
Feel free to eat any kind of fat and protein whenever you want.
What to avoid: Bad Carbs
Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, and all caloric sweeteners including sweets & candies. Use low-calorie sugar substitutes if necessary.
Yep, even if they’re ‘natural’ your body doesn’t care. All it sees is sugar.
All Juices, even orange juice, eat the fruit instead, sodas, energy drinks, Gatorade, Lucozade, grape juice, cranberry juice, etc. Also, avoid cocktail drink mixes like margarita and sweet and sour mix.
These are loaded with sugar, like a ton. There 6 teaspoons of sugar in the average glass of orange juice. Imagine putting 6 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water and drinking it. Terrifying.
White flour, bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, biscuits, etc.
Potatoes, white rice, corn flour products, chips, etc.
Perfect examples of the starchy, complex carbs we talked about last time.
What to enjoy: Good Carbs and High Fiber Foods
Unlimited salads, leafy green vegetables, whole fruits, and nuts. Really, eat your heart out.
Moderation but not overindulgence in all sorts of interesting foods, including meat, fish, cheese, butter, eggs, olive oil, rapeseed oil, herbs and spices. These are what make foods enjoyable, and they are mostly non-fattening and nutritionally beneficial.
Despite the bad rap fats have gotten over the years, they’re relatively healthy especially compared to high glycemic carbs. Learn more over in our diet myths section.
Peas, lentils, legumes, and beans are high in protein and fiber good in moderation as they still contain digestible carbohydrates.
Whole grains, while much better than refined flour are still high glycemic, should be used sparingly if you are trying to lose weight or reverse hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Oat bran and oat germ are an inexpensive alternative, as are wheat bran and wheat germ.
Drink: water or tea (green tea), coffee, diet drinks if necessary. Again, avoid drinks with any sugar, HFCS, or any other calorie containing syrup.
Alcohol: Fine in moderation: red wine may have particular benefits.
Fiberflour, is a high fiber, low carb (16% carb & 42% fiber) flour substitute. Fiber consumption improves gut health, is anti-inflammatory, protects against diabetes, colon cancers and has multiple health benefits.
Sample recipes
Need some more inspiration? Check out our sample recipes!
Also check out some of these awesome lists of high fiber foods and healthy carbs!
P.S. it’s no coincidence that the lists are incredibly similar, fiber is a healthy carb!
In short, rapidly digested carbs, starches, and sugars should be substituted by slowly digested carbs and fiber. Rather than carbs, fat will become your primary source of calories. Here the choices are vast, varied including many foods that were previously stigmatized like butter, eggs, dairy, and meat.
Also, you can forget calorie counting if high fiber plant foods are the bulk of your diet as they are filling and suppress hunger due to their slow digestion and low insulin response. A meal based on these guidelines contains thousands of phytonutrients to help protect against oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell damage.
By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to living a healthier, more energetic life.
If you’re really serious about this diet check out our article on the ketogenic diet, It’s LC-HiFi on steroids, used for almost 100 years to treat complicated health conditions, and keeps the US Navy Seals in peak condition and operational readiness.
Avoid most carbs like the plague
Replace these carbs with fiber
Feel free to eat any kind of fat and protein whenever you want.
Want to find out more?
Check out some of these other great site for the best and worst low carb foods as well as great high fiber foods.