Made some linguine pasta using UF fibreflour. The green one on the right has spinach in it. I added 3 cubes of defrosted frozen spinach to the basic recipe below.
100g UF Fibreflour
1 Large Egg
Elbow grease
I sometimes use my food processor to make the dough when I don't have the required elbow grease to knead the hell out of this dough.
Taste wise I really like it. It does not taste exactly the same as the stuff you buy in the supermarket, but it comes close. I tend to always dry my pasta as I like the resulting texture when cooked, which is a lot firmer.
I found pasta made with UFFF doesn't dry well. Mine got redish spots that looks a lot like mould after couple of days 😔 the longer I kept it, the more spots spread. Any tips for drying or is it better to stick to freezing?
I have just purchased an electric pasta maker and I made your recipe in it and it turned out great. As I am a type 2 diabetic I took my sugars before making this and 2 hrs after eating and my sugars were the same. No spikes! Wow what a result! It looks like I can now eat pasta again!
Tried this recipe today, with less than enthusiastic attitude - was sure would not be like pasta. So glad I did, it is wonderful. Had tagliatelle with lovely cream an mushroom sauce. Husband liked it too. Pasta machine really helped roll it out thin. Now absorbed in my Italian cook books planning the next sauce and what to stuff ravioli with! Thanks for sharing and the picture really inspired me to have a go.
Thanks for this I'll give it a try
I was watching Jamie Oliver making quick pasta using only flour and a bit of water ,add flour to a bowl add a bit of water to make a dough, no measurements necessary roll out the dough into an oblong if it is a bit sticky spinkle a bit of flour then roll up the dough like it was a Swiss roll then get a knife and cut the roll into 1 cm pieces this was astonishing he made the pasta in five minutes using only four and water no egg needed he picked up the cut pieces and fluffed them up and there was the pasta so easy you could leave it to dry out if you wanted to. google it type Jamie Oliver quick pasta which brings up many videos of Oliver making simple pasta