Made some linguine pasta using UF fibreflour. The green one on the right has spinach in it. I added 3 cubes of defrosted frozen spinach to the basic recipe below.
100g UF Fibreflour
1 Large Egg
Elbow grease
I sometimes use my food processor to make the dough when I don't have the required elbow grease to knead the hell out of this dough.
Taste wise I really like it. It does not taste exactly the same as the stuff you buy in the supermarket, but it comes close. I tend to always dry my pasta as I like the resulting texture when cooked, which is a lot firmer.
I found pasta made with UFFF doesn't dry well. Mine got redish spots that looks a lot like mould after couple of days 😔 the longer I kept it, the more spots spread. Any tips for drying or is it better to stick to freezing?